Diesel Industrial Glass

Diesel Industrial Glass

Dive into the Urban Elegance of INDUSTRIAL GLASS!

Hey there, design enthusiast! Have you ever dreamt of capturing the raw essence of cityscapes in your space? Villafashion's got your back with the INDUSTRIAL GLASS collection from IRIS CERAMICHE. These tiles are not just any ordinary tiles; they're a statement!

Imagine having bathroom tiles that evoke the shimmering skyscrapers during twilight or floor tiles that remind you of rain-kissed city streets. Whether jazzing up your kitchen or giving your terrace a modern twist, these tiles are the perfect fit. And guess what? They're not just for the indoors. Thinking of some tiles for outdoor stairs? We've got you covered!

Inspired by the Bauhaus and Industrial styles, these tiles seamlessly blend functionality with aesthetics. The minimalist in you will adore the clean lines, while the modernist will appreciate the contemporary vibe. And for those with a soft spot for the vintage and art deco styles, there's also a touch of old-world charm.

"Every material is a unique and exclusive result achieved thanks to the universally acknowledged creativity, technical skill and culture of design of Maxfine slabs, produced by FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti."

So, why wait? Dive into the world of INDUSTRIAL GLASS and let your space tell a story of urban elegance and sophistication. And hey, keep an eye out for our promotional tiles. You might find a deal you can't resist!